Introduction to Algorithms

Recently I am reading the book CLRS Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition. I find that I really hook on it! It’s a great book about the Algorithm and I think I will wirte some notes about reading the book and write some C/C++ code for the pseudo code on this book.

Because of my poor grade of Data structure and algorithm in the university, I decide to learn this book by myself. Fortunately, Charles E. Leiserson’s lecture video in MIT is available on the Internet.If you are also intersted in it, visit to download it.
BTY, I find some solutions of the exercise for this book. Another question is why so many Chinese students call this book CLRS. Who can tell me the truth? 🙂

5 Replies to “Introduction to Algorithms”

  1. Oronno,
    Sorry, I don’t know any other link yet. If you find in the future, please tell me as well.

  2. Could you please give me another link of CLR’s solution.
    Cause the link that u gave for solution is broken..

  3. this book is also called CLRS because these are the initials of the authors of the book Thomas H. Cormen
    Charles E. Leiserson
    Ronald L. Rivest
    Clifford Stein

  4. Your explanation of algorithms and solutions are excellent.
    My brain cells had amazing time refreshing the algorithms. Keep up the good work.

  5. Your explanation of algorithms and solutions are excellent.
    My brain cells had amazing time refreshing the algorithms. Keep up the good work.

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