Single party

I went to a party for single this Saturday. The matchmakers were my colleagues and his girlfriend. It seems that the guys in my department is a little introverted and the result is that only 3 guys attended this party while there are 11 girls show up.

The funny thing is that there are lots of “maiba” between these girls.
To my great surprise, a girl just comes from the Shaolin Temple! I have never met a girl from Shaolin Temple and she just look like a gentlewoman! We spent the whole afternoon in bifengtang tea-house playing the killing game. It’s a good place for playing bridge card and the price is 18 yuan per person. You can drink as much as you can. I would like to write more about this party if I have any spare time.

PS: I find that chafing dish tastes horrible except the name of restaurant contain the “羊” Chinese character such as “小绵羊”, “小肥羊”, “牧羊人家”。So if you want to have a chafing dish in Shanghai, I suggest that you choose the above restaurants. But also you can go to the famous website Dianpian to search a restaurant right for your needs.

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