Outgoing and smart 

Today, I went shopping with my Airbnb guest in the supermarket. She liked ice cream and asked me which brand of the ice cream is the best in Singapore. I told her that I have no idea about ice cream. 

She then picked up a Haagen Dazs, I told her that you picked up the most famous one . That’s the only brand I know! She didn’t know the brand ! She is from a small city northern Russian by the way .

Anyway, when we approached the cashier, there was another women lining behind us, she said to us, “can we buy these ice cream together, as they are in promotion, we get 50 percent off if we buy together! ” It came to me as a bit surprise, but my guest replied smiled and naturally replied,” why not ?” 

So she gave my guest some cash and both of them get 50 percent off of the ice cream. Brilliant! 

I will have to say this women is smart and outgoing. This kind of thing just won’t happen in Japan, where women is shyer and reluctant to talk to strangers ! This is one of things that I love about Singapore !  

Singapore’s world-class public transportation 

My colleague was telling me once you have kids, you better to have a car in Singapore despite its ridiculous price tag. 

I have to admit that you need a car in Singapore here if you want to be convenient. Singapore’s public transportation, as I am writing now in 2016, is still far less developed than Tokyo. 

 My experience tells me that if I go from a place to another place where MRT is nearby in the city centre , taking a taxi or driving is still twice or sometimes three times faster than taking MRT, thanks to the road that is designed for car owners , the rich people. There are not many traffic lights and crossing for pedastrain . 

I think the Singapore government should build more MRTs, seriously. 


前一段时间在晚上找到了一个很不错得马来西亚乐队,经过几次交流, 在网上看到他们的表演,特别不错。准备请他们来中国唱一些老上海Jazz。但是怎么也没想到,他们打了几十次中国驻马来西亚大使馆电话关于申请以艺术家身份来中国签证的问题, 到现在还是没有得到答复。 

Artistry cafe

I am at the Artistry cafe near bugis station now where some live music is performed, there is a quite unique musician today with flute, guitar violin combination.
It is quite nice cafe! Love it .




Dessert wine recommend by my host

I just had a guest who is from France. I am a wine lover and so I took this opportunity to ask him recommendations of wines.

He told me that Monbazillac is one of his favorite sweet wines.

So I did some Google search on the Internet, it looks like it is a quite undiscovered sweet wine.

The red wine he liked a lot is the Montepulciano.

Just pin down these two wines here for my future trip to France.


好久没有看到杀猪祭神拜祖了。在新加坡每逢初一十五很多人都吃素, 但是猪还是要杀。这只猪好可怜。


Women is superior

“Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby.. If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she’ll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit!”

This is so true!!

kodokushi (孤独死)

I first saw this piece of news in the local Singapore TV channel about a man in Japan died in his own house and no one notice until l,

First, I felt very sorry for him, then I can totally relate this story to my experiences in Japan. Bond between family members in Japan can be very weak among all the Asian countries, where family relationship is highly valued.


Kodokushi (孤独死) is a Japanese phrase for a Japanese phenomenon of people dying alone and remaining undiscovered for a long period of time.



来了新加坡一个月,吃了很多新加坡的不但便宜而且味美当地东南亚美食。但是我发现每次吃完嘴巴都感觉怪怪的,特别想喝水或者吃水果。后来和新加坡的同事聊起,才知道是味精在作怪(MSG)。虽然从小在中国长大,但是在日本10年基本习惯了没有味精的饮食,到了新加坡还真一下子适应不了。感觉新加坡的hawk center里的美食加的味精比我小时候长大吃的菜跟鲜,但也更不健康。


