Having spent 3 days in korea(most time in Seoul), I find that there are considerable japanophiles here. Although Japan occupied korea several decades before, it turns out not many Koreans hate japanese. So many Japanese stuff here, japanese resturants, Japanese signs everywhere, japanese TV channels, … I even got an enthusiastic help from three korean girls while I was trying to find a hotel in gumi. They told me that they thought I was japanese once.
The O.C.
I get addicted to the American drama television series the O.C.(The orange city) these days. Iit was past-popularity show(start from 2003) though. I just run into it from a HMV shop in which the DVD version of season 1 is selling off. I need to admit. I’m always slow for the new things, at least, for the past years. When something new stuffs come out and draw the majority crazy, I usually skip it over. while the time when most people get tied of it, I’m incline to be fond of it. That’s a big problem of me…
© don’t know yet, please contact me if you feel that this picture should not copied here.
Happy Birthday to Myself again
It’s been a hardest time ever in my life. Believe me or not, I will get through it though. I guess I still has the right to have fun. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Xinquan! Everything is going to be OK.
Kanji’s Flat in Tokyo
Tokyo Love Story, a manga by Fumi Saimon, was adapted into a TV drama in the early ’90s, when it become a great hit in China. I watched this TV drama when I didn’t know what is love between boy and girls. However, I clearly remembered that I could not hold my tears seeing the scene that Rika took the train left earlier than the train he told Kanji that she was going to leave with. After all, they were not able to see each other.
Today, I visited Kanji’s flat in Tokyo after more than 20 years! Located between Meguro and Ebisu, centre tokyo, this apartment has not changed over the decades. Its current tenant or owner is called “Minami”.
Screenshot from the drama:
A school trip to Zhuji (诸暨)
It feel like that all these things just happened yesterday. I have not seen the my classmates and friends in this video for a quite a long time now, and I know I may never meet some of them again in my life.
What nostalgic moment for us!
A good way to remember the Japanese hiragana characters
To learn Japanese, the first thing that you should do is to remember its basic component of its written system – the hiragana(å¹³å‡å,平仮å).
I struggled with remembering them woefully.  However, I found a congenial way to remember these wired characters that I like to share with you.
When I was a junior high-school student, I was a fan of the Japanese TV drama “Tokyo Love Story (æ±äº¬ãƒ©ãƒ–ストーリー) †and loved the theme song very much! I even can recite every lyric though I didn’t understand what the song was about.
Being able to recite the lyrics is quite useful for me. I did a search on the Internet and downloaded the lyrics of this song and began to read and sing the songs, and pay attention the pronunciation of the hiragana characters one by one! It just took me less than 15 minutes to remember all the hiragana characters, which cover most of the hiragana characters table.
This is the song
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Ergo, what you might want to do to remember Hiragana is to pick up one of your favorite Japanese songs and start to sing it with its lyrics and you will find it so easy to remember the odd characters.
Shanghai and Tokyo
Over the last 2 months, many things happened during my return stay at Shanghai…
First, I began to think whether Shanghai is the right city for me. Shanghai is definitely very different from Tokyo. In terms of familiarity, Shanghai is as alien as Tokyo to me. The obvious difference between the two cities is that people in one city speak Japanese and the other speaks Chinese.
Besides, I think that most nice facilities in Shanghai that cannot be found easily in other cities in China is only for the rich people or expatriates here. Like many shopping malls, bars and apartments the price of which is prohibitive for the locals.
I’m too Young
I am the youngest one of the first five employees in the Shanghai IT office. Surrounded by many talents and senior people in the Tokyo office, there is still a long way to go!
Tokyo Disneyland
An Excellent Dentist Service in Tokyo
The other day, I had to go to see a dentist in Japan. As you can image that it would be difficult for a foreigner who does not speak Japanese at all to go to see a dentist in Japan. People here rarely speak English, which is totally different from I imaged before I came here.
Fortunately, I found a Chinese speaking dentist via James, and the dentist is also very nice person.
She was so nice that gave me a quick surgery on my broken tooth and setup a temporary one for me. She told me that it will be expensive if I do orthodontics in Tokyo.
She told me that my tooth got phlogiston and it took more than 1 month to do it. So I’d better to take the surgery in China then setup a ceramic tooth. To my great surprise is that she refused to receive any fees including my temporary teeth. I really appreciated her professional services and kindness! This is the first time I ever felt that not everyone does their job just for money.
That’s the clinic address:
Dinner with Jessica and Jose
With pretty much mixed up of combination of feelings in Tokyo and lots of training class and work during the daytime, almost 5 weeks no writing blogging. Finally I got some motivation to add something here. I will try to write things in a reverse order since me landing on Narita airport. My elementary school teacher taught me that is called cut back. Ok, let me go head.
Now just came back from dinner with my current manager and colleagues. Although I felt somewhat uncomfortable because of alcohol, I have a very good time in my deep heart. We went to a Japanese restaurant and have a good plentiful Japanese food. We talked much and I learned a lot because what we are talking with is senior people, haha. The interesting thing is that Jose (currently my boss’s boss 🙂 is learning Chinese. So most of our talk is in Chinese and simultaneously translate it into English again for him. Here I would like to say a little more about my manager Jessica. She is so nice not because of everyone told me whilst I mentioned her, but the feeling when you talking and hanging with her and this feeling makes me very comfortable, of which I would like to build.
To be continued…
C++ training
I just finished four days C++ training. I was extremely impressed by the instructor’s deep insight into C++ knowledge. Before I join Morgan Stanley, I thought I had a pretty good knowledge of C++. After this class, I found that still have a long way to go!