Without knowing where I was going and who exactly I was going with, I joined this snowboarding trip. I was just told by my friend that there was a good deal of snowboarding trip. I accepted and it turned out that 11 people joined the group. And it was a lot of fun. Village, snow, mountain and hot spring. But also the nightmare – the night on the bus where I struggle to sleep, at least for me.

My friend told me to assemble at Ikebukuro at 10:00 on Friday and in fact the bus took off around 11:20 just because I was late for playing tennis last time. What a big revenge! The nightmare lasted the whole night that I couldn’t believe that many other people were able to sleep well in the bus while I couldn’t get sleep at all.
After arriving the hotel at about 6 early in the morning, we picked up the wears and snowboards from the rent room and took bus to the ski resort. It was a big challenge for me as in my case I hardly slept during the previous night.
Browbeaten by other friends claiming that snowboard is much cooler than ski, I was “forced“ to pick up the snowboard in the rental room. I never tried snowboarding before. Without surprise, I suffered light injuries of my arms and legs and I have to give up going to mountain to ski again the next day.
However, I found that snowboard is not just cool, but also fun. My friend Steve gave us personal training, which mainly target for the girls though.
While the good thing was that part of the snowboarding trip. I got the chance to have a look around in the place Hakuba 白馬 with nick, mie and chao, who were exhausted same as me. The place was amazingly beautiful after the snow on the second day. And we cannot help ourselves to play snowball. There are a few of nice cafes and restaurants in the small village. We picked up this Italian restaurant and had a really nice lunch in this snowy world. Would be really romantic if you take your girl there I could image.

Wuchao and Nick were playing snow 😉
Overall, it was a really good trip except the night bus. I would definitely go there again by Shinkansen.